Things To Look Out For In Your Tarantula Enclosures

Tarantula owners put A LOT of effort in their enclosures. Some will even custom build their tarantula tanks or create intricate bioactive enclosures, spending tons of time carefully designing and choosing decor. Tarantula owners take their pets’ homes to an entirely different level than other pet owners, so it can be REALLY annoying when something goes wrong and you have […]

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Aggressive Tarantula Personality Connected to Cannibalism

I’ve spoken quite about about tarantula “personalities” and temperaments over the past few years. The consensus is that tarantulas don’t actually have the brainpower or ability to have personalities, however they may be more predisposed to more calm or defensive temperaments or moods. According to research, a more aggressive tarantula personalty has been linked to instances of tarantula cannibalism during […]

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Tarantula Mating: How It Works

tarantula mating

Tarantula mating is likely one of the weirdest reproduction routines in the animal kingdom. It hardly resembles anything we normally see in the animal kingdom, and works entirely differently due to tarantulas’ unique bodies. Here’s a video just to show you how strange it is, and I’ll try to break it down below! Sexual maturity So it all starts with […]

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